
The NFT market is undergoing significant changes, with trends indicating a downturn, especially in the whitelist meta. With personal insights and observations, this blog examines where the market might be headed.

NFT Market’s Recent Developments

D-Gods Event Analysis

A recent event with D-Gods, a renowned NFT project, showcased the typical “buy the rumor, sell the news” trend, where investors could potentially save a substantial amount by timing their sales and purchases wisely.

The Wider NFT Market

Despite occasional catalysts for individual NFT projects, there seems to be a stalling in new investments flowing into this space.

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Comparing Main Coins and Altcoins

It’s anticipated that main coins might soon witness a surge, while some altcoins could dramatically rise in value. Such trends could lead investors to re-invest their profits in NFTs either for community, speculation, or the thrill of the gamble.

The Real Purpose of NFTs

While there’s undeniable admiration for the communities, founders, and artists within the NFT ecosystem, many, be it founders or artists, are primarily driven by the monetary aspect. It’s essential to acknowledge the primary motivation for many stakeholders in the space.

The Shift from NFTs to ‘Ish Coins’

Presently, more attention is being diverted to ‘ish coins’, with numerous influential individuals either promoting certain coins or establishing their groups. Though some of these groups offer genuine value, the real powerhouses consist of smaller, more discreet groups that strategize and buy tokens collectively.

Personal Journey in the NFT Space

The NFT market once offered a thrill, with enthusiasts hunting for the next big project, securing whitelists, speculating on floor prices, and celebrating profitable flips. However, the frequency and magnitude of such successes seem to have diminished.

Expanding Beyond NFTs

As creators and investors, it’s crucial to diversify. My personal journey shows a stagnation in subscriber growth over recent months. Hence, there’s a need to venture beyond the NFT space to ensure consistent revenue generation, irrespective of market dynamics.

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This expansion includes exploring avenues like airdrops, different altcoins, and protocols, which, although might seem slow and tedious, can potentially offer substantial returns in the long run.

Upcoming Opportunities

There are several emerging opportunities outside the NFT space, such as Shibarium and the bot meta. It’s essential to research, understand risks, and identify opportunities to make informed decisions.

Where To Next?

While the NFT space continues to hold charm, the evolving market conditions demand flexibility and adaptability. NFTs might still have their moments of glory, but exploring other avenues ensures we don’t miss out on broader opportunities. This article isn’t an ending, but a reflection on where we’ve been, and a promise to adapt, evolve, and continue seeking the best opportunities available.